Friday 28 April 2017

Don't Forget Me

Don’t Forget Me - Screenplay
There is a montage showing Summit Rock in Central Park and the apartments West of the park. These shots show families and friends bonding in the sunlight while business men and woman go about their daily lives of getting to work. The final shot focuses on a plane flying over the park which tilts down to the apartment of GEORGIE and JACOB, a basic apartment quite high up.

The camera begins focussed on GEORGIE (a young woman who appears content with life) who can be seen wandering from her front door with bags full of her weekly shopping, she places them down in her kitchen and turns on her favourite CD by Kelly Clarkson. She searches through her bags to find her phone and a pregnancy test, beginning to read the instructions on the box as she walks towards a picture of her boyfriend JACOB (a young fit man) on their mantel piece, flicking her eyes back to the pregnancy test before smiling at JACOB’s picture once more, then heads to the bathroom. GEORGIE places her phone on the window ledge, completes the pregnancy test steps and places it beside her phone, running herself a hot bath as she waits for the result. Her dog TREVOR walks in, wagging his tail with glee before sitting proudly next to his owner gazing at GEORGIE through his big eyes almost questioning what she is doing.
I guess it doesn’t matter what the result is aye TREVOR.
(Georgie starts to pour bubble liquid into her bath and mixing it into the water before drying her hands, then looks at TREVOR.)
We have enough money…I could give up my job… he does earn enough money for all of us…but then again it’s going to be negative so what does it matter anyway? But what if it’s not? What if he’s not happy with the result? What if-
(GEORGIE stops herself mid-sentence and looks at TREVOR beginning to pet him) 
I need to stop worrying Trevor, don’t I. I’m being stupid again. Ah, if Jacob was here now he would tell me I’m having another Georgie moment, we don’t even know the result yet, so why worry?
(TREVOR wags his tail excitedly as he is getting more attention from GEROGIE)
I’ve missed Jacob, I bet you have too. He’s always giving you more treats than you deserve hey! (In a childish voice) Yes he is! Oh yes he is! (With a more serious tone) What would we do without him, our knight in shining arm-
GEORGIE ‘s phone starts to ring and we can see that ‘JACOB’ is calling her. TREVOR jumps at the noise and begins to bark. Seeming surprised at her caller she grabs her phone and flips it open while trying to stop TREVOR from barking. Shouting and cries can be heard through the phone. GEORGIE’s eyes widen, questioning and thinking about every reason he could be calling her and what all the commotion is in the background.

JACOB can be seen clutching a phone to his face with a concerned expression. Other passengers on the plane can be seen behind him crying and shouting, some others on phones, others clutching loved ones next to them. Air hostess’ on the plane are walking up and down the aisles at speed trying to reassure their passengers. There is a lot of background noise from the plane’s engine.
Hey, look…I need you to listen to me very carefully okay? I’m-
The steam from the hot water running in the bath has overtaken the room as GEORGIE has forgotten about the bath, concentrating on her phone call and trying to tune into the background noises that can be heard through the phone as a thousand thoughts cross her mind about what could possibly be going on. TREVOR finally stops barking as GEORGIE gives him a stern look.
What’s going on? Where are you?

JACOB (through phone)
I don’t want you to panic okay, everything will be okay, but the plane I’m on has been hijacked.
(In a disgusted tone) In this some kind of joke? It’s not funny Ja-
(Assertive) No, please, I’m not joking, listen to me okay?

(GEORGIE’S face drops and she sinks to the bathroom floor unable to stand from shock. Overcome with emotions her eyes start to well up. TREVOR excitedly tries to climb over GEORGIE but is stopped by her legs creating a barrier.)      

JACOB (through phone)
 Please, please, please do not panic, I just needed to hear your voice. I love you Georgie. (Starts to cry)
(GEORGIE looks down at her pregnancy test that she has previously taken and we can see that the result is positive. As she sees the result her teary eyes begin to pour out like waterfalls in panic. She looks up to the ceiling in an attempt to compose herself to talk to JACOB. TREVOR starts to pine for GEORGIES attention.)

Please… come home to me… I need you. Can you please tell me what’s happening?
Passengers around JACOB have started to hang up on calls while others are frantically trying to call other loved ones, a few male passengers have gathered towards the back of the plane. There is a lot less conversation, and more crying.  
Look, honey I don’t know if I will… make it… no one knows what is actually going on, the air hostess’ have no information to give us. Some of the guys want to plan an attack to get control back. But I promise you, no matter what happens to me… you’ll be okay, you have my savings, you can move on, create a new life without me, I won’t be annoyed… I love you please always remember that.
Georgie, you made my life great okay? I appreciate everything that you’ve ever done for me I’m sorry I never showed you that enough… I took you forgra-
GEORGIE (through phone)
Stop… please… you always showed me how much I meant to you, stop talking like this, you’ll make it back to me, you have to! You can’t leave us behind. What do you even mean you don’t know what’s going on?

(Jokingly with an exhale of air)
Interrupting me even now are we?
(Now more serious)
Hey, you will all be fine okay? Please pass on my love… my love to my family…
(Adding more of a joke)
Don’t you all go forgetting me too quickly will you?
GEORGIE is noticeably a lot more stressed, with one hand gripped onto the phone, one stuck on the pregnancy test. TREVOR is still trying to get through to GEORGIE, becoming more and more desperate the more GEORGIE looks distressed.
How could you even say that?
JACOB (through phone)
Oh Georgie. You’re so perfect. You’re sweet innocent smiles. I will miss your dimples you know.
Jacob please stop talking like this you’ll make it home, you have to!
JACOB (through phone)
Has something happened? Is everything okay with you?
No Jacob, I mean… I’m pre-
A loud bang can be heard in the distance as the plane JACOB is on hits the first World Trade Centre building. The phone line cuts out and silence overtakes GEORGIE in her bathroom, with only the running water audible. GEORGIE’S eyes widen as she pieces together the bang with the fact that JACOB’s line cutting out may be linked. The bang frightened TREVOR who tried to bury himself in the corner of the room momentarily.
(Still clutching her phone) Jacob?
GEORGIE picks herself up and runs out of her bathroom to her apartment window that overlooks the famous New York skyline, closely followed by a scared TREVOR who is continuously barking still. A large cloud of smoke can be seen filling the sky surrounding the World Trade Centre building. GEORGIE now knows that it was JACOB’s plane that hit the building.
(Extremely distressed) Oh god no
GEORGIE begins to crying hysterically as she collapses helplessly on her living room floor, her hand dragging down the window, screaming out for Jacob to answer his phone. TREVOR finally manages to break through GEROGIE’s barrier and clambers onto her, licking her and trying to give her comfort. GEORGIE drops her phone before throwing her arms over her face and letting out a loud distressed cry. The final shot shows a long shot of a sobbing GEORGIE with TREVOR in her arms and the burning building in the background.

(Copyright Grace Pye 2016)

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